Thursday, March 6, 2008

New look!

Well in celebration of the new look to my blog, i shall haf a NEW POST! Haha.

Hmm, i shan't just talk about tt then. What's been happening in my life right now... Well i'd say the most exciting thing would be to teach hiphop class at 2 diff schs recently. (something tt i'd nv haf imagined i'd do in my whole life) didnt even attend ANY hiphop class stil wanna teach, haha. well better than staying at hm doing nothing right? only source of income for now. but i guess tt's the perk of my life now. other than being more and more involved in my dance troupe in SFA (S'pore Foochow Assoc) now every saturday is really being more and more of a torture for me as im being stretched to the limits of my muscles. (oh my aching, aging muscles) and being surrounded by all those young people isnt really helping. i tell u, im damn not flexible. tin its in the genes. but being so free all the time to pursue my passion in dance, i'm kinda getting used to this lifestyle.

Oh man, i sooo need a job right now. feel so aimless and im thinking abt things too much. (since there's so much space up there and everything) i hate doing tt! i'm s'posed to be like carefree and happy and... ok nvm. haa. im being ridiculous. i HAF to think abt stuff once in awhile right? ok i haf officially made this post just redundant, haha.

i shall juz share to quotes i read recently tt i feel makes me feel gd, haha.

-Wherever there is one of us the other is present-
-As long as people have friends to share their sadness.
it becomes easier to bear.-


1 comment:

kOoKy pLuM said... look... but nvr update leh... hahaha