Monday, January 28, 2008

Emotional baggage

Recently, even though im not in relationship myself, i have been takin in alot of emotional baggage, from my frens.
"She doesn't like me.."
"..wat is she trying to do?"
" not worth it.."
I dunno why but i tin i haf become a free love counsellor. I tin everybody knows tt i'm soo damn free to listen to everyone's problems. Tin if i started chargin fees to everyone i can be a millionare. Wow, seriously, the world is so full of problems. Hmm, think ive said so much to other ppl tt i think i've not much to say now. Im listening so much to other ppl but nobody has the time to listen to my own problems. My frenships i feel, is like so 1-sided. So irritated and disappointed in everyone. Why does everyone take me for granted. I think i need a job now so badly to help me to stop thinkin abt stuff happenin ard me. Dammit! I hate it when other ppl's problems become mine. So reminds me of being in the Army.
Sometimes i feel really misunderstood and the people that i want to be with is not around for me to confide in. I feel like shit man. I need a gd night's rest and i need a new hobby. I need to learn somethin, make new frenz. I'm soooo bored..
Luckily stil got my upcoming performance to concentrate on...


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